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How does sectional speed measurement work?

>Sectional speed measurement is an effective tool used to increase road safety. As the data shows, the implementation of this system in various parts of the country significantly contributes to reducing the number of accidents and offenses. In this article, we will explain how sectional speed measurement works and why it is so effective.

What is sectional speed measurement?

Sectional speed measurement is a system that monitors vehicle speed on a specific section of road. It is different from traditional methods such as speed cameras or single speed measurements. Instead of focusing on one point, it measures the average speed of a vehicle between two points on a route. This method allows for a more accurate assessment of the driver’s behaviour over longer distances, thus providing a more reliable assessment of driving style.

Unlike other forms of control, sectional speed measurement eliminates the possibility of the so-called “acceleration between points” – drivers can no longer accelerate after passing a speed camera in order to slow down before the next one. Thanks to this, this type of detection is believed to be a more effective tool in sensitive points in Poland. Particularly on sections where speeding is frequent and the risk of accidents is highest.


These systems are usually marked with special signs:

  • D-51a “Automatic average speed enforcement” at the beginning of the monitored section,
  • D-51b “End of automatic average speed enforcement” at its end.

Such signage is intended not only to inform drivers that this system has been put in place, but also to encourage them to maintain an appropriate speed while driving through the monitored section of road.

How does sectional speed measurement work?

The sectional speed measurement system consists of at least two cameras placed at the beginning and end of the monitored road section. These cameras record the time it takes the vehicle to enter and leave the section, which makes it possible to calculate the average speed between these points. The accuracy of this system is crucial because it constitutes the basis for issuing tickets to drivers who exceed the speed limit.

How it works in practice

When a vehicle enters a marked road section, the camera records its registration number and entry time. When the same vehicle leaves the section, a second camera records the same data at the moment of departure. Then, based on the distance between the cameras and the travel time, the system calculates the average speed at which the road section was covered. If the calculated speed exceeds the speed limit on a given section, the driver may receive a fine. The entire system is automated – the fine is generated automatically and sent to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

Where are the sectional speed cameras located?

Below is a list of sectional speed cameras and where they are located in Poland.

CityRoad section length in kmRoad number
Gietrzwałd – Naglady516
Gniazdowo – Piecki5,659
Kolbuszowa – Kolbuszowa Górna2,59
Krościenko Wyżne – Iskrzynia1,419
Kostomłoty-Kąty Wrocławskie8,1A4
Ładna – Tarnów4,494
Łęczna – Turowola3,982
Łuszczów Pierwszy – Łuszczów Drugi2,982
Reda – Rekowo Górne1,6216
Regut – Człekówka2,850
Szlichtyngowa – Górczyna2,512
Tarnowskie Góry111
Tomaszów Mazowiecki2,248
Warmiaki – Strachówka2,750
Warszawa ( POW tunnel)2,3S2
Warszawa (Marki node ul. Łabiszyńska)4S8
Warszawa (Warszawa-Zachód node Blizne Łaszczyńskiego)3,1S8
Wilcza – Nieborowice2,278
Zwierki – Zabłudów3,819
Tunnel under Świna2,593
Skomielna Biała ( “Zakopiance” tunnel)2,1S7
Falęcice – Nowy Gózd14S7
Komorniki – Krzesiny12A2
Babigoszcz – Gniazdowo53

Advantages of sectional speed cameras

  • Reduced number of accidents: analysis of data from road sections where sectional speed measurement was used showed a decrease in the number of accidents.
  • Improved compliance with speed limits: thanks to continuous monitoring, drivers are more likely to comply with speed limits.
  • Long-term changes in driver behaviour: sectional speed measurement influences long-term changes in driving habits.
  • Objective assessment of compliance with the regulations: the sectional speed measurement system eliminates the subjective assessment of speed by road officers, ensuring more fair and clear reporting of speed violations.

Disadvantages of sectional speed cameras

  • Reduced traffic flow: some drivers, unsure of the exact speed limits on a given section, may drive much slower than the regulations allow.
  • Problems recognizing signs: drivers may not be up to date with information about sectional speed measurement, which may lead to unexpected fines.
  • Implementation and maintenance costs: maintaining sectional speed measurement systems is expensive.
  • Privacy and surveillance: issues related to privacy and continuous monitoring are often raised as arguments against the expansion of speed monitoring systems.

Summary: sectional speed measurement

Sectional speed measurement is an effective tool in the fight against excessive speed. Its effectiveness has been confirmed by numerous studies and analyses, although it is not free from flaws and controversies. It is important that the driving community be well informed about the location of these systems. Ultimately, the main goal is to ensure the safety of all road users.