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See how other companies used Prilo to improve their businesses

Find out what challenges the platform’s users had under control during the processing of orders on Prilo.

Syntesis Invest Looking for carriers for routes from Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany to the East

Syntesis Invest has been organizing car transport and partly car trading for 5 years. Their main market is transports from Central Europe to Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Billberry Automotive I need carriers from East to West Europe

Billberry Automotive has been importing and exporting new and lightly used cars for over 6 years. They operate intercontinentally, but their main market is Europe – they’re looking for carriers to the west.

Autoniqe Looking for carriers to the south of Germany

Autoniqe has been in the business of international car transportation in Europe for more than 3 years, mainly on routes from France and Belgium. On Prilo, they are looking for orders from areas closer to Switzerland or southern Germany.

ALB Logistics Looking for carriers to Western and Southern Europe

ALB Logistics is works in supply chain optimization, offering a wide range of services in Europe and CIS countries. They have been operating in the TSL industry for 7 years. They provide custom and individually tailored transportation and warehousing solutions, including vehicle transports.

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